Dear Pleasant Valley Families,
Two weeks of remote learning accomplished! I hope it is beginning to seem easier and less stressful, and that you are finding opportunities to enjoy this new way of life. I love that I can hear birdsong so clearly with fewer cars on the road and airplanes in the sky, that I can take walks in my neighborhood and enjoy the blossoms and signs of spring, that the days have been filled with so much beauty. I am thankful that all of my loved ones are healthy and well, that we have homes, incomes, and health insurance. At the same time, I also realize that we are among the very fortunate. I worry about all the people who do not have those protections, who are caring for others who are sick with this novel coronavirus, or who are sick themselves. May we all be safe, healthy and well!
I continue to be amazed by our incredible teachers and for the wonderful and very thoughtful things that they do for their students and families 24/7. Their dedication, commitment, compassion, care, and the time they put into this endeavor is inspiring. They consistently go above and beyond every day. I am grateful for every one of them for being a positive force during these challenging times.
Remote learning puts an additional burden on parents in a time that is already stressful and when you may have many other concerns. We are relying on you more than ever to support your children at home, to ensure that they are accessing instruction and completing assignments. It is so important and so needed! We recognize that this can be a real hardship for you, and we thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your efforts! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or if I can be of any assistance with anything.
A Call for Photos – We would LOVE to post pictures of you and your kids working and learning at home, or photos of how you are filling your days so we can share them with the community. Please send your photos to me at [email protected].
On Thursday, NUSD Superintendent, Kris Cosca, held a virtual townhall meeting on Facebook live in which he addressed many concerns and questions from the community. Topics included grades, promotion and graduation, testing, instruction, and much more. It is very informative and I encourage you to watch it on this link.
Earlier this week we were notified of the new date for returning to school – MAY 4th – So… only five more weeks of remote learning to go! I miss all of our students and our amazing teachers and staff… and I am very thankful for Zoom! Together we can do this and we will all be okay.
May we all be safe and healthy, and stay strong!
Dana Sadan

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